The decline in oral function due to aging and the developmental insufficiency of children's oral functions, which have become issues in recent years, can be prevented through training. This project aims at developing content designed to easily train masticatory movements, occlusal force balance, and facial muscles.A mask-type interface equipped with cameras and accelerometers will be created to measure the shape of the lips and masticatory movements. As for the content, users will experience a game in which they control a paper airplane by changing the shape of their lips and facial expressions, and performing masticatory movements. The goal is to navigate through rings on a course to reach the finish line.


Co-leader, Hardware, Software, Idea/Object Design


A mask-type interface that simultaneously measures oral movement information and allows for oral training. A serious game was created using the measured oral movement information as input. Gamifying multiple oral training exercises and facial muscle movements reduces the burden on participants and increases their motivation.





IVRC2023 (Interverse Virtual Reality Challenge), U☆PoC (UEC Proof of Concept)